Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
- What if I want a school other than my home boundary school?
- If I am Open Enrolled into the district or enrolled through In-District Transfer, will there be transportation?
- If enrolled in a Magnet School would there be transportation?
- If I'm open enrolled into a school do I need to reapply every year?
- How are grade levels determined for students who are new to the United States?
- How old does my child have to be to attend school?
- If I do not have my students immunization records, how can I get a copy?
- If I do not have a birth certificate can I still enroll? What other forms are accepted?
- If I do not have a birth certificate can I still enroll? What other forms are accepted?
- What If I am 18 years of age, can I enroll myself?
- Will my child lose their placement at their current school when applying for another school?
- When will we be notified of our school placement with a start date?
- When I sign up for transportation, where and when will I find out?
- If I have a child that is not currently enrolled in Osseo schools, will they automatically be enrolled at a school where their siblings attend?
- What if I do not have proof of address or the documents are under another person's name?
- What if my child is not five years old by September 1, but I want my student to attend school?
- What are the Preschool options in Osseo Area Schools?
- Are school transitions automatically placed at their pathway for middle school? Do they need to submit a High school request?
- How does enrollment work for foreign exchange and international students?
- Does the waiting list roll over to next school year?
- Can I request an In- District transfer for my student during the school year?
- If my student is enrolled through school choice, can they return to their attendance school?
- What is the transfer process for a child in a Special Education program?
- How does Online school work?
- If my student is attending 279Online and it seems to not work, is my student guaranteed a spot back at their previous school?
- What type of childcare is available for elementary students?
- What if my child daycare and home addresses are in different attendance areas?
- If I move out of the district can I still attend?
- Can I change my own address?
- What If I am 18 years of age, can I enroll myself?
- Is there a place to drop off forms after hours?
- How do I enroll to have my child be Homeschooled?
- What if my proof of address that is being requested I only have online?
- If my child was dropped from school or I withdraw a student but we are returning within the same year, do I need to do all the paperwork again?
- What forms do you request for new to country students?
- What if my child is missing vaccines and we do not have health insurance?
- How can I request transcripts?
- How can I update my child emergency contact information?
- If there are new court forms for my student who should I give these forms to?
- My child is in High school. Will their credits transfer?
- How do I enroll for Special Education services?
- Can I enroll for academic shared time?
- Can I open enroll for shared time?
- What happens if I indicate a language other than English on the Minnesota Language
- Do I need an appointment for enrollment?
- What do I need to bring?
- How can I submit the enrollment forms?
- Do I need to bring my student with me to enroll?
- Can I have someone else complete the enrollment forms for me?
- Why do I need to complete a new enrollment packet for an address change?
- What if a student is not living with the parent who resides in Minnesota? Can the student enroll using the address of where the student is residing?
- What if a student's parents/legal guardians are out of the state or are absent from student life?
- Who do I contact to see if I was approved for free and reduced lunch?