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Park Center Senior High’s Outdoor Adventures class takes on winter Boundary Waters Canoe Area field trip

Park Center Senior High’s Outdoor Adventures class takes on winter Boundary Waters Canoe Area field trip

Park Center Senior High School’s (PCSH) Outdoor Adventures class recently embarked on a trip to the YMCA’s Camp Menogyn in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area for a three day experience in Minnesota’s north woods. 

The group of 19 students pulled sleds with all their gear across a frozen lake to arrive at the camp, where they took part in a wide variety of activities, such as night hiking under a beautiful night sky, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, hiking up Caribou Rock and around Rose Falls, alternating sauna sits with dips in the lake and sleeping in a quinzee, among other adventures.

“They persevered through some very harsh conditions, and experienced one of the last places on earth where motors are not allowed,” said the class's Chris Gudvangen, who teaches phy. ed and health at the school. “With the temperature getting as low as -29, the Pirates performed admirably and deserve recognition!”

students hike in the snow
Students put on ski gear at Camp Menogyn
students in winter gear stand at the front of Camp Menogyn
Students hike across a frozen lake in the woods