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Historically Black Colleges and Universities visit Park Center Senior High School for college fair

Historically Black Colleges and Universities visit Park Center Senior High School for college fair

Students from Maple Grove Senior High, Osseo Senior High and Park Center Senior High gathered at Park Center on Nov. 19 for a Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) college fair. 

Many historically black colleges and universities from across the country attended, including Prairie View A&M University, North Carolina A&T, Tuskegee University, Howard University, Florida A&M and Hampton University. Organizations such as 100 Black Men of the Twin Cities, a nonprofit, youth development organization committed to the intellectual development of youth and economic empowerment of the African American community and other communities of color, and Wallin Education Partners, who provide financial aid, advising and access scholars need to rise, were in attendance as well.

The Higher Education Act classifies an HBCU as ​​any nationally accredited historically Black college or university that was established prior to 1964, whose principal mission was, and is, the education of Black Americans.