Building a Better Future: Taking a closer look at ballot question two
Thank you for taking the time to be informed on the Building a Better Future referendum. This week we’re taking a closer look at ballot question two.
The current voter-approved technology levy pays for classroom learning technology, infrastructure systems and needed support staff. The proposed increase of $2.3 million a year would additionally prioritize:
- School safety and security technology, which includes cybersecurity assessments and systems as well as building security, including cameras, door lock systems, visitor management, and emergency response structures.
- Tools and systems for all scholars, which ensures that all learners have the same digital technology and software – across grade levels and discipline areas – to be successful in their learning.
- Digital learning spaces at schools, which are flexible areas where teachers and scholars are able to adapt the environment to their technology needs to better teach and learn, and more easily collaborate in small or large groups.
The current voter-approved technology levy is about 3% of this district’s budget or $8 million a year. The increase being presented to voters will mitigate budget cuts anticipated to begin the 2023-24 school year as some of these priorities have been funded with one-time dollars that are expiring.
Watch this short YouTube video for an overview of question two.
Early voting starts Friday, Sept. 23. You can request an early voting ballot via the Minnesota Secretary of State website. Also on the site, check your voter registration and find your polling place location for Nov. 8.
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