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Building a Better Future, Phase II: What happens if the school building funding request is not approved by voters?

Building a Better Future, Phase II: What happens if the school building funding request is not approved by voters?

So what happens if the school building funding request - Building a Better Future, Phase II - is not approved by voters?

  • School building projects to improve safety/security would not proceed.
  • Crowded conditions and large class sizes would continue. Attendance boundary adjustments would be required at the elementary, middle and high school levels to provide relief, which is estimated to move 6,000 students from their current schools. Such changes would be recurring because of continually growing student enrollment, resulting in increased service costs and longer bus rides.
  • School buildings and learning spaces would continue to age and become less relevant. This would limit learning resources demanded by our students and families, particularly in math, science and career learning spaces, specialized learning spaces and library media centers.
  • Inconsistent learning experiences would continue.
  • Budget cuts would be required. These cuts are projected to be at least $31 million or approximately 300 jobs.

You don’t have to wait until election day to vote. You can vote early by mail or in person between now and Nov. 6

Note: These voting processes apply to all Osseo Area Schools voters, including those that reside in the cities of Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Corcoran, Dayton, Maple Grove, Osseo, Plymouth and Rogers. Please go to the Secretary of State’s website to find Nov. 7 election day polling place locations.

Learn more by attending a Community Informational Meeting - either at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 3 at Osseo Senior High School’s forum room or at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 11 at Maple Grove Senior High School’s cafeteria. There you’ll hear details on why a bond referendum is being held and the school building needs that would be addressed if the Phase II plan is approved by voters. Continue to stay tuned to