Career & Technical Education
Abundant opportunities to explore career fields and pathways
Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs help students gain academic and technical knowledge, skills, competencies and attitudes required in college and careers. Students explore career fields, clusters and pathways to learn about hundreds of career options.
Main Contact
Godfrey Edaferierhi
Program areas
- Technology Education (middle school and senior high)
- Family and Consumer Science (middle school and senior high)
- Business, Marketing and Information Technology (senior high)
- Cooperative Education and the Community-Based Vocational Assessment and Training (CBVAT) program
- Health Science Magnet Program (Osseo Senior High)
- Career Resource Centers (senior high)
To support the transition between secondary and post-secondary education, Career and Technical Education offers challenging courses; relevant, integrated, and differentiated instruction; personalized learning and blended/online courses; standards-based curricula; and technical skill assessments (industry certifications).
Opportunities for all students
- Advanced standing credits (articulation agreements with colleges across the state)
- Post-Secondary Education Options and other concurrent enrollment options
- Advanced Placement and Diploma Programme courses
- Industry certifications (emergency medical responder, nursing assistant, pharmacy technician, ProStart culinary arts, computer repair, automotive technology and more)
- NATEF Certified Automotive Program
- STEM connections, including Project Lead The Way (middle school and senior high; elementary Launch program)
- Leadership and service opportunities
- Partnerships with businesses and community organizations
- Credit for Minnesota Standards in the arts