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Data and Assessments

The Data and Assessment Division in Osseo Area Schools enhances student learning by serving the needs of administration, staff, parents, and students for:

  • Quality and timely achievement and survey data in forms useful for decision making and improvement planning;
  • Support of data interpretation and use; and
  • Management and support of mandated and local assessments.

Department staff oversees the Osseo Area Schools Assessment Plan and the testing calendar for all local and state-mandated tests.


Main Contacts

Cassie Aspinwall
Coordinator of Testing, Assessment & Accountability

Jenna Johnshoy-Aarestad
Coordinator, Data & Assessment

Tom Watkins
Coordinator, Data & Assessment

Testing Resources

Additional information about Minnesota Department of Education's testing can be found on their website.

Research Approval Process

Save a copy of this file, complete it, and return as directed. If you cannot access this document, please call 763-391-7148.

Stakeholder Surveys: Measuring Progress on Our Mission

Grading & Report Cards

Instruction, assessment and grading in Osseo Area Schools is based upon district, state and/or national standards. As a result, it is called “standards-based” across our school district. A “standard” is a specific skill or concept students are expected to learn following instruction. District, state and national standards give us clear learning targets, instructional activities, materials, and assessments. The goal of standards-based grading and reporting is to share what each student knows and is able to do according to the standards.