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School Board

Inspire and prepare each and every scholar to achieve their dreams; contribute to community; and engage in a lifetime of learning.

The ISD 279 School Board consists of six members who are elected at large in even-numbered years. Members serve alternating four-year terms.

The major functions of the school board include:

  • Setting a vision for the school system;
  • Establishing standards for performance;
  • Ensuring high quality assessment;
  • Embracing accountability for student outcomes;
  • Aligning system resources to promote student achievement;
  • Creating effective school climate and culture;
  • Developing collaborative relationships; and
  • Working toward continuous improvement.

The board hires the superintendent and delegates to him or her the authority and responsibility to administer school district operations. The superintendent serves as an ex officio member of the board.

Upcoming Meetings

Video of regular meetings of the ISD 279 School Board is available as a live webstream via this link. Archived regular meeting videos and work session audio recordings are generally posted for on-demand viewing/listening by 5 p.m. on the day after each school board meeting.

Meet the School Board

Tanya Prince
School Board Member, Chair, Term Expires January 2027
Thomas Brooks
School Board Member, Vice Chair, Term Expires January 2027
Keith Tate
School Board Member, Clerk, Term Expires January 2029
Sarah Mitchell
School Board Member, Treasurer, Term Expires January 2027
Kelsey Dawson
School Board Member, Director, Term Expires January 2029
Erica Foster
School Board Member, Director, Term Expires January 2029
the six-member school board in January 2025


Contacting the School Board

School Board Elections

Points of Pride