905 Policy: School/Community Relations - Advertising and Promotional Messages
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the advertising or including promotional messages for products or services to students, staff and parents in the schools.
The students, the staff, the name or facilities of the school system, or any part thereof will not be used in any manner for soliciting, advertising or otherwise promoting the interests of any commercial or other non-school agency except in accordance with this Policy and Procedure 905 – Advertising and Promotional Messages.
A. Advertising
Advertising on school district property and in school district publications will support the school district’s mission, and be consistent with school district policies and educational purposes.
1. Images may not promote the use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs; illegal gambling; restrict or impair the educational program of the schools; reflect negatively on the school district or the schools; violate federal or state laws; or be inconsistent with the mission and goals of the school district. All local and state laws and ordinances must be followed.
2. Advertising may not promote a political party, a political viewpoint, the candidacy of a person for public office or a position on a ballot question.
3. Advertising may not contain false, misleading or deceptive statements or violate copyright laws.
4. Independent School District 279 may approve contracts with advertisers, sponsors, or others to lease naming rights for school district facilities, sell advertising on or in school district facilities or otherwise enter into an agreement with a sponsoring agent in accordance with Procedures 905.
5. Acknowledgement or recognition by the School Board or the administration of a company offering a product to District employees does not in any way constitute a recommendation, endorsement, or guarantee of the company or product.
B. Promotional Messages
1. Promotional messages must comply with guidelines for advertising in section III.A. of this policy.
2. Acceptance of a gift that includes a promotional message or logo of the donor does not constitute a testimonial or endorsement by the school district, school or department of a product, service or business.
C. Advertising revenues will be accounted for and reported in compliance with Uniform Financial Accounting and Reporting Standards (UFARS) legal requirements.
D. The school board may approve advertising in school district facilities or on school district property. Any approval will state precisely where such advertising may be placed. Advertising will not be allowed outside the specific area approved by the school board. Within the parameters set by the school board, the superintendent or designee will set specific applications and limitations.
E. The school district will enter into contracts for computers or related equipment or services that require advertising to be disseminated to students only if approved in accordance with state law.
Revised: 06/14/16
Revised: 5/15/12
Adopted: 10/6/98 (formerly Policy1130)
Revised: 1/20/98
Adopted: 11/18/86
Legal References
M.S. 123B.93
M.S. 123B.025
M.S. 025B.022
M.S. 173.08
Cross References
Policy 511 – Student Fundraising
Policy 652 – Instructional Materials Selection, Production and Reevaluation
Policy 923 - Distribution of Materials for Students