811 Policy: Naming School Facilities
To establish a process by which the Board of Education can assume its responsibility of naming school facilities.
The Board of Education recognizes that the official names of district facilities are vital to its public image. Therefore, when selecting names for facilities, the Board will emphasize effective public communication and the honor and integrity that the name will reflect upon the facility.
A. Names for New Educational Facilities
1. Individuals and organizations in District 279 may submit names for new facilities for consideration by the Board of Education.
2. New facilities may be named for programs, individuals, families, communities and geographic areas within the District.
a. If the name proposed honors a person, the honoree must be deceased. Also, the person must have made a significant educational, historical or social contribution in the community.
b. Names of persons that duplicate in whole or part the last name of an existing District 279 facility shall be ineligible for selection as the name of the new facility.
c. Names of communities served and geographic locations in proximity to the facility may be proposed for consideration.
B. Names for Areas within Educational Facilities
1. Areas of educational facilities and property shall be titled in accordance with their function and the official district name for the facility. However, the Board of Education understands that periodically, communities served by educational facilities may wish to recognize individuals for long and honorable service.
C. Name Changes for Existing Facilities
1. There may occasionally be a compelling reason to change the name of an existing facility. The process will be the same as naming a new facility.
Adopted: 12/20/05