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810 Policy: School Facilities

810 Policy: School Facilities

I.    Determination of Need for Facilities Study

A.    The Superintendent will advise the School Board of the need to conduct a facilities study and obtain authorization to do so.

B.    The Superintendent's recommendation for a facilities study will be based on the need for adjustments to, renovation of, and/or new construction of space to:

1.    Handle increases or decreases in student enrollment, or Support District programming, or Provide equity, or

2.    Meet appropriately determined standards

II.    Conduct of the Facilities Study

A.    The facilities study will be conducted by the District, may use the services of an external consultant, and will analyze current facilities according to criteria such as the following:

1.    Adequacy of school site size and condition Structural and mechanical features Plant maintainability Building safety and security Educational adequacy

2.    Environment for education

B.    The facilities study will include input from district administration, building-level administration and staff, parents, students (when appropriate), and the community-at-large.

1.    Phase I:

a.    The Superintendent will appoint a Phase I Advisory Committee to develop option(s) for resolving the District's facilities needs.

b.    Option(s) will be based on information such as: current enrollment data, five-year enrollment projections, housing and demographic data, and programming needs.

c.    Recommended option(s) will comply with federal and State constitutions, all federal and State laws, and applicable local ordinances, and will address the following parameters to the fullest extent possible:

1)    Quality Educational Space: Maximize equitable, high quality learning environments and educational spaces for all District programs. Efficiency: Maximize effective use of current District facilities.

2)    Neighborhood Schools: Maximize the number of students who are able to attend school in a building close to their homes.

d.    The options developed by the Phase I Advisory Committee, along with background information, will be presented to the School Board for their review and comment.

e.    Principals/Site Supervisors will present a building-level review and comment on the proposal for their site, including comment on the practicality, appropriateness, and prioritization of the recommended construction/renovation. 

2.    Phase II:

The Superintendent will appoint a Phase II Advisory Committee, including parent representation from each building, to review the options developed by the Phase I committee as well as the prioritization and comment presented by Principals/Site Supervisors.

a.    The Phase II committee will develop a facilities recommendation for presentation to the School Board. This recommendation will include the amount of any bond issue and/or levy referendum as well as a specification of the facilities to be constructed and/or renovated.

3.    Phase III:

a.    The School Board will vote to approve the final facilities plan.

b.    If the plan includes a bond election to finance the plan and/or a levy referendum to support operation of facilities, District administration will present a recommended election process and timeline. The School Board will authorize a bond referendum and election.

Adopted: 6/6/00