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806 Policy: Crisis Management

806 Policy: Crisis Management


The school district will develop and maintain a crisis management plan to act as a guide for school district and building administration, staff, students, school board members, district families and community members to address potential crises in the school district. The plan will address all phases of a crisis -- prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. The objectives of the crisis management plan will be to: 

A.    Establish procedures in the event of an incident or emergency; 

B.    Establish crisis response duties using the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS) at the district and building level; and

C.    Establish procedures for conducting required drills.


The crisis management plan will provide guidance for the school district and for each site and will be used before, during and after any emergency. The superintendent, or designee, will be responsible for directing the development of a comprehensive crisis management plan and reviewing it annually. This plan will be shared with representatives of local municipalities and appropriate emergency personnel. 

Each principal and site coordinator will receive a copy of the crisis management plan. The district crisis management plan serves as the foundation for the development, training and implementation of individual school building’s crisis management plan.

The district and each school building will have a crisis management team led by site administration and comprised of appropriate staff. Each crisis management team will maintain a roster describing roles and responsibilities on the team. Each crisis management team will review and update their team roster at least once a year. 

In compliance with state law, each individual school building will conduct at least five evacuation drills, five lockdown drills and two severe weather drills a year. 

Adopted 3/19/2019

Legal Reference
M.S. 121A.035, Subd. 2