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652 Procedure B: Instructional Materials Reevaluation

652 Procedure B: Instructional Materials Reevaluation


A.    The purpose of this procedure is to provide a fair and reasonable system for reevaluating instructional materials which have been challenged by District residents, students or employees.

B.    Distinction Between Two Classes of Instructional Materials

1.    Core/supplementary instructional materials
Core/supplementary instructional materials are defined as those instructional materials which are selected to:

a.    Match a specific course of study and/or specific outcomes, and
b.    Be used as the main instructional materials for that course of study or outcomes.

2.    Media collection instructional materials
Media collection instructional materials are defined as those materials which:

a.    Have content which falls within a general curricular topic, and/or
b.    Offer a fictional or non-fictional source for reference, and
c.    Are readily available to students and staff through Media and Technology Services.

Instructional materials which have been selected, acquired, and used may be withdrawn from use because the materials are no longer consistent with Policy 652 – Instructional Materials Selection and Production, have become outdated or inaccurate, have become worn or dangerous, have been replaced by a more recent selection, or have been challenged, reevaluated, and deemed inappropriate according to the reconsideration procedures.

The following process for reevaluation of instructional materials is provided for use by District residents, students, and employees.

A.    Informal Procedures

1.    Initiating the challenge

a.    When challenges are presented, the staff member receiving the challenge should first determine if Policy 641 - Alternative Instruction applies rather than Policy 654 –Instructional Materials Reevaluation.
b.    Challenges are initiated at the building level.

2.    Initiating the challenge at the building level.

a.    The person initiating the challenge should communicate with the teacher and/or Licensed Media Specialist, whichever is appropriate.
b.    Each challenge will be dealt with in a courteous and confidential manner.
c.    An informal resolution is defined as a condition in which:

1)    Both parties agree to accept the materials as currently used, or
2)    The person initiating the challenge does not accept the current use but chooses not to pursue the matter further, or
3)    Application of Policy 641 - Alternative Instruction-provides an appropriate remedy.

d.    If the challenge is not resolved informally with the teacher or Licensed Media Specialist, the person initiating the challenge will contact the building Principal. If the challenge still cannot be resolved informally, then the building Principal will invite the person who is initiating the challenge to complete and submit a Request for Reevaluation Form, (see Appendix A).
e.    Upon submission of the form to the Principal, the challenge will be defined as formal and the process for formal challenges will be initiated at the appropriate level. The Principal will notify the Coordinator of Digital Learning and Instructional Media.

B.    Formal Procedures

1.    Reevaluation committees

a.    Building-level

1)    Each building Principal will identify a building-level reevaluation committee and a chairperson of that committee. That committee will address any formal building-level challenges received that year.
2)    Committee composition

a)    One parent/guardian appointed by the Principal to serve as chairperson.
b)    One Licensed Media Specialist, not currently assigned to the building, appointed by the Principal with the assistance of the Coordinator of Digital Learning and Instructional Media.
c)    Two teachers from the building appointed by the Principal.
d)    Two parents/guardians appointed by the PTO/PTA/Site Council, or other formal parent committee.

b.    District-level

1)    The Coordinator of Digital Learning and Instructional Media will identify a District-level reevaluation committee and a chairperson of that committee. That committee will address any appeals of formal building level challenges as well as any formal District- level core/supplementary challenges received that year.
2)    Committee composition

a)    One building Principal or Assistant Principal appointed by the representative principals' organization.
b)    One elementary teacher appointed by the representative teachers' organization.
c)    One secondary teacher appointed by the representative teachers' organization.
d)    One Coordinator appointed by the Director of Curriculum and Educational Standards.
e)    One licensed Media Specialist appointed by the Coordinator of Digital Learning and Instructional Media.
f)    One student from each high school appointed by the student council or other organization as designated by the Principal.
g)    Three parents/guardians will be identified from among building PTO/PTA/Site Council members or members of other formal parent committees. The Coordinator of Digital Learning and Instructional Media will appoint one of the three parent/guardian members to serve as chairperson of the district-level reevaluation committee.

c.    Temporary Replacement of Reevaluation Committee Member

1)    If a member of a reevaluation committee:

a)    Is the initiator of the challenge being addressed, or
b)    Was a presenter/participant in the deliberations of the building-level committee that previously addressed the challenge, or
c)    Is the Principal of the building where the challenge was previously heard by a building-level committee, or
d)    Is the licensed teacher or Licensed Media Specialist, whichever applies, involved in the challenge in the building where the challenge was previously heard by a building- level committee, or
e)    Is the Coordinator for the area addressed in a challenge to District-level core/supplementary instructional materials, or
f)    Is unable to schedule attendance at both the initial and final meetings, then that member must be replaced on the reevaluation committee while the committee is addressing that challenge.

Replacement Procedure
If a committee member must be replaced in accordance with c.1, above, then the replacement procedure must be as neutral as possible, involving random drawing if applicable.

d.    Meeting structure

1)    Reevaluation committees may set procedural rules such as a time limit on presentations, order of presentations, and number of presentations.
2)    In the event a reevaluation committee receives multiple challenges, either simultaneously or overlapping, the Committee will determine the order in which they will be addressed. While the Committee needs to address the challenges in as timely a manner as possible, the committee may extend the two-week and four-week timeline requirements listed under the formal procedures of this Procedure 652 – Instructional Materials Reevaluation. Neither the District nor individual buildings will establish additional committees.

e.    Level of authority

1)    Building-level reevaluation committees make decisions in response to challenges to media collection instructional materials used in their buildings or to supplementary instructional materials identified by and used in their buildings. The decisions of a building-level committee may be communicated to but are not binding on other buildings in the District.
2)    The District-level reevaluation committee:

a)    Makes decisions in response to appeals of building-level reevaluation committee decisions. These decisions are binding upon the building from which the challenge was generated and may be communicated to, but are not binding upon, other buildings in the District.
b)    Makes decisions in response to challenges to District-level supplementary instructional materials.

3)    Reevaluation committee decisions are rendered by a majority vote. A tie vote maintains the status quo.  Voting is by closed ballot.

f.    Identification of type and level of instructional materials.

1)    Upon receipt of the Request for Reevaluation Form (Appendix A), the Principal determines if the challenged materials are:

a)    Core/supplementary or media collection instructional materials.
b)    Building-level or District-level instructional materials.

2)    All challenges to media collection materials are first addressed by the building-level reevaluation committee.
3)    All challenges to building-level supplementary instructional materials are first addressed by the building-level reevaluation committee.
4)    All challenges to district-level core/supplementary instructional materials are first addressed by the district-level reevaluation committee.

g.    Building-level formal procedures

1)    If the challenged materials have been identified as media-collection or building-level core/supplementary instructional materials, within a period of one week (7 days) of the formal challenge, the Principal will distribute copies of the submitted Request for Reevaluation Form to:

a)    The chairperson of the building-level reevaluation committee,
b)    The licensed teacher or Licensed Media Specialist,
c)    The Coordinator of Digital Learning and Instructional Media, and
d)    The Assistant Superintendents of Leadership, Teaching, and Learning.

2)    Use of challenged core/supplementary instructional materials must continue during the formal reevaluation process.
3)    Availability of media collection instructional materials must continue during the formal reevaluation process.
4)    The chairperson of the building-level reevaluation committee:

a)    Will notify committee members of the challenge and set up a meeting within two weeks of the formal challenge.
b)    Will invite the teacher(s) and/or Licensed Media Specialist involved to the meeting.
c)    Will invite the person initiating the challenge to the meeting.
d)    Will provide an opportunity for the Committee to hear the views of the person bringing the challenge as well as the rationales for use from the Principal and licensed teacher(s) and/or Licensed Media Specialist.
e)    May ask that reviews of the materials be provided by the licensed staff.
f)    May arrange for testimony from experts/ authorities on the subject.

5)    The building-level reevaluation committee:

a)    Will meet to review the challenge and receive the challenged materials for examination. Will review the purposes set in Policy 652 – Instructional Materials Selection and Production, and its accompanying procedures, identify the objection, and hear testimony, if necessary.
b)    Will examine the materials in their entirety.
c)    May check general acceptance of the materials.
d)    Will judge relative values and faults of the challenged materials and form opinions.
e)    Will make a decision within four weeks in an open meeting (a minimum of four members, including the chairperson, must be present for a final decision).
f)    Will prepare a report of the Committee's decision immediately upon a decision.
g)    Will send a copy of the report to the person initiating the challenge, including instructions as to how to proceed if the initiator is dissatisfied with the building-level committee's decision.
h)    Will send a copy of the report to the Assistant Superintendents of Leadership, Teaching, and Learning, and the Coordinator.
i)    Will maintain a file including the Request for Reevaluation, any written documentation presented or examined, and the report of the Committee's decision.
j)    Will forward the file maintained to the chairperson of the district-level committee if the decision of the building-level committee is appealed.

6)    Instructional materials challenged at the building-level for particular reasons may not be challenged on the basis of those same reasons for a period of one year in that building.
7)    If either the challenger or the person or committee that originally selected or locally produced the material is not satisfied with the decision of the building-level committee, referral may be made to the district-level reevaluation committee by submitting the Request for Reevaluation Form (Appendix A) to the Coordinator. The District-level formal procedures for reevaluation are then applied.

h.    District-level formal procedures

1)    If the challenged materials have been identified as district-level core/supplementary instructional materials or if the decision of a building-level reevaluation committee is being appealed, the Coordinator, will distribute copies of the submitted Request for Reevaluation Form to:

a)    The chairperson of the district-level reevaluation committee,
b)    The Assistant Superintendents of Leadership, Teaching, and Learning.
c)    The Director of Curriculum and Educational Standards, and
d)    The Coordinator of Digital Learning and Instructional Media.

2)    Use of challenged core/supplementary instructional materials must continue during the formal reevaluation process.
3)    Availability of media collection instructional materials must continue during the formal reevaluation process.
4)    The chairperson of the District-level reevaluation committee:

a)    Will notify committee members of the challenge and set up a meeting within two weeks of the formal challenge.
b)    Will invite the building Principal, the teacher(s) and/or Licensed Media Specialist to the meeting.
c)    Will invite the person initiating the challenge to the meeting.
d)    Will, in the case of district-level core/supplementary instructional materials, invite the appropriate Curriculum Specialist or Program Coordinator to the meeting.
e)    Will provide an opportunity for the committee to hear the views of the person bringing the challenge, as well as the rationale for use from the building Principal, licensed teacher(s) and/or Library Media Specialist, and/or Curriculum Specialist/ Program Coordinator.
f)    May ask that reviews of the materials be provided by the licensed staff.
g)    May arrange for testimony from experts/ authorities on the subject.

5)    The District-level reevaluation committee:

a)    Will meet to receive and review the challenged materials for examination.
b)    Will review the purposes set in Policy 652 – Instructional Materials Selection and Production, and its accompanying procedures, identify the objection, and hear testimony, if necessary.
c)    Will review the file of the building-level reevaluation committee, if the challenge is an appeal of a building-level committee decision.
d)    Will examine the materials in their entirety.
e)    May check general acceptance of the materials. Will judge relative values and faults of the challenged materials and form opinions.
f)    Will make a decision within four weeks in an open meeting (a minimum of seven members, including the chairperson, must be present for a final decision).
g)    Will prepare a report of the committee's decision immediately upon a decision.
h)    Will send a copy of the report to the person initiating the challenge, including instructions as to how to appeal if the initiator is dissatisfied with the district-level committee's decision.
i)    Will send a copy of the report to the principal of the building from which a decision has been appealed to the District committee.
j)    Will send a copy of the report to the Assistant Superintendents of Leadership, Teaching, and Learning, the Coordinator, and the Director of Curriculum and Educational Standards,
k)    Will maintain a file including the building-level file where appropriate, the Request for Reevaluation, any written documentation presented or examined, and the report of the committee's decision.
l)    Will forward the file maintained to the Superintendent if the decision of the district- level committee is appealed.

6)    Instructional materials challenged at the district-level for particular reasons may not be challenged on the basis of those same reasons for a period of one year.
7)    If either the challenger or the person or committee that originally selected or locally produced the material is not satisfied with the decision of the district-level committee, the decision rendered may be appealed to the School Board by submitting the Request for Reevaluation Form (Appendix C) to the Superintendent within five business days of the district-level decision.

a)    If the challenge is properly appealed, the School Board will consider the merits of the appeal within twenty days after receipt.
b)    At the option of the School Board, a committee or representative(s) of the Board may be designated by the Board to hear the appeal at this level and report its findings and recommendations in writing to the full Board.
c)    If a committee is formed, then it must review the documentation collected as part of the district-level deliberation. It may hear oral statements by the challenging party and a representative of the district-level reevaluation committee.

Revised 1/15/19 
Adopted 12/2/03 (Formerly Procedure 6410 Appendix B) 
Procedure 6410 Appendix B    
Revised 5/17/94
Revised 10/15/85
Adopted 9/1/81

Legal References
Public Law 94-553: copyright

Cross References
Policy 652 – Instructional Materials Selection and Production
Policy 641 – Alternative Instruction