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652 Procedure A: Instructional Materials Selection and Production

652 Procedure A: Instructional Materials Selection and Production


The purpose of this procedure is to regulate the selection and production of instructional materials so that they conform to Policy 652 – Instructional Materials Selection and Production.

A.    General criteria for the selection and/or production of any and all instructional materials.

1.    Instructional materials must be evaluated on the basis of the purposes for selection and production set forth in Policy 652 – Instructional Materials Selection and Production, as well as the following criteria:

a.    Instructional materials will have favorable recommendations based on examination by district instructional personnel, or

b.    Instructional materials will have favorable reviews found in standard review sources.

c.    Instructional materials will contain accurate information except in those cases when inaccuracy is needed because the purpose of the material is aimed at teaching critical thinking skills, teaching about propaganda, or developing an awareness of a factual, historical context.

d.    Instructional materials will be of high technical quality, except in those cases when the material is of less technical quality because it is a primary resource material or a facsimile of the same.

e.    Instructional materials will have a cost commensurate with their value and/or level of need.

f.    Instructional materials will be judged on the basis of both strengths and weaknesses and the relative influences those strengths and weakness may have upon the development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes by students.

2.    Instructional materials offered as gifts will be considered using the same criteria as purchased materials.

3.    Instructional materials will conform to the provisions of current copyright law, Public Law 94-553.

B.    Distinction Between Two Classes of Instructional Materials

1.    Core/supplementary instructional materials
Core/supplementary instructional materials are defined as those instructional materials which are selected to:

a.    Match a specific course of study and/or specific outcomes. 

b.    Be used as the main instructional materials for that course of study or outcomes. 

2.    Media collection instructional materials.
Media collection instructional materials are defined as those materials which:

a.    Have content which falls within a general curricular topic, and/or

b.    Offer a fictional or non-fictional source for reference, and 

c.    Are readily available to students and staff through Instructional Media and Technology.

C.    Process and criteria for selecting core/supplementary instructional materials.

1.    District-level Selection

a.    District-level core/supplementary instructional materials must be targeted for evaluation and selected as a result of the District's instructional program improvement process which includes recommendations by and approval by the Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Educational Standards.

b.    Prior to selecting core/supplementary instructional materials, a Materials Review Plan must be implemented in accordance with the District’s Program Improvement Plan Process Guide.  The Materials Review Plan is to include opportunity for review and input by teachers, Principals, and parents/community through the District Planning Advisory Council (DPAC), the Human Sexuality Advisory Committee (human sexuality and sexually transmitted infections education.

2.    Building-level Selection

Buildings and individual teachers may select supplementary materials for purposes such as motivating students or extending practice as long as those materials are consistent with the District's instructional goals and the District's scope and sequence for the subject area.

D.    Process and criteria for producing core/supplementary instructional materials

1.    District-level Production

a.    Core/supplementary instructional materials may be targeted for production through the District's program improvement process which includes recommendations by various stakeholders and approval by the Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Educational Standards

b.    Core/supplementary instructional materials may be produced if the materials would be:

1)    Potentially more effective than commercially produced instructional materials and/or

2)    More efficient and financially viable than commercially produced materials, and/or

3)    More readily available because no such commercial materials are being produced or because of time constraints, and/or

4)    More accurate than currently available commercial materials, and/or

5)    More representative of the community.

2.    Building-level Production

a.    It is appropriate for supplementary materials to be produced at the building or teacher level for purposes such as:

1)    Special projects or units as long as those units are consistent with the District's instructional goals, and for purposes such as

2)    Motivating students or extending practice opportunities as long as those materials are consistent with the District's curriculum for the subject area.

b.    If those materials would be:

1)    Potentially more effective than commercially produced materials, and/or

2)    More efficient and financially viable than commercially produced materials, and/or

3)    More readily available because no such commercial materials are being produced or because of time constraints, and/or

4)    More accurate than currently available commercial materials, and/or

5)    More representative of the community.

E.    Process and criteria for selecting media collection instructional materials.

1.    Except in unusual circumstances, instructional materials must be recommended in standard review sources or previewed before purchase. Prior to purchase, Licensed Media Specialists will:

a.     assess the completeness of the existing collection relative to curriculum topics and instructional needs;

b.    assess curriculum and instructional needs as expressed by licensed instructional staff in the building;

c.    consult with the Coordinator of Digital Learning and Instructional Media before selecting materials when they need advice relative to the purpose and/or appropriateness of the materials.

Revised: 1/15/19    
Created:  12/2/03 (formerly Procedure 6410)
Revised: 5/17/94    
Revised:  10/15/85    
Created:  9/1/81    

Legal References
Public Law 94-553: copyright

Cross References
Policy 104 – School District Mission Statement
Policy 644 – Community Resource Persons
Policy 652 - Instructional Materials Selection, Production and Reevaluation
Policy 924 – School Volunteers