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647 Procedure: Pledge of Allegiance

647 Procedure: Pledge of Allegiance

I.    Pledge of Allegiance

A.    Recitation

1.    Each school building will conduct a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance on at least a weekly basis.

2.    The recitation will consist of participants standing, facing the flag, placing their right hand over the heart, and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in unison.  

3.    The principal will determine the manner of implementing this recitation, including day of week, time of day, and how the recitation will be led.

B.    Voluntary Nature of Participation

1.    Participation in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance will be voluntary on the part of all employees and students. 

a.    A teacher who individually chooses not to participate in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance may not refuse to implement the procedures determined by the principal nor may that teacher prevent students from participating.

b.    Employees and students who choose not to participate in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance will sit or stand quietly and respectfully during the recitation.  Non-participants may not be required to stand.

c.    If a student requests permission to leave the room during the recitation, the teacher may grant or deny permission to leave the room, based on the teacher’s authority for supervising the student.  Students may not be required to leave the room during the recitation on the basis of non-participation.

2.    Teachers, whether participating or not participating, will remain with their class during the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

C.    Protection of Voluntary Participation

1.    No employee or student will be penalized or rewarded in any manner for participation or non-participation in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, including terms and conditions of employment, rights and benefits, student grades, or other relationships with the school district.

2.    Any employee or student, whether participating or not participating in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, who disrupts the recitation will be referred to the immediate supervisor or principal for appropriate action.

3.    Any employee or student who harasses, taunts, assaults, or otherwise causes harm or the perception of harm to any other employee or student in relation to that employee’s or student’s participation or non-participation in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance will be referred to the immediate supervisor or principal for appropriate action.

II.    Display of Flag in School Buildings

A.    The flag of the United States of America will be displayed in every classroom in the school district.

B.    The flag will be displayed in the front of the classroom.  If it is not possible to display the flag in the front of the classroom, the flag will be displayed in the most respectful alternate location.

C.    The flag will be made of cloth and will be displayed in a holder customarily used for flag display.

1.    If a cloth flag is not immediately available, one made of paper or other material may be displayed until a cloth flag is procured and installed. The school district will procure and install the flag in a timely manner.

2.    If it is not possible to use a customary flag holder, the flag may be displayed in another manner that is respectful and in accordance with flag rules and regulations.

Revised:  06/14/16
Revised:  10/19/04
Created:  12/19/01

Legal References   
M.S. 121A.11, Subd 3 (Pledge of Allegiance) 
M.S. 121A.11, Subd. 4 (Instruction)