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626 Policy: Educational Programs - Grading and Reporting Student Achievement

626 Policy: Educational Programs - Grading and Reporting Student Achievement

I.    Purpose

The School Board recognizes that in order to achieve its mission, communication of student achievement and progress must be meaningful, accurate, consistent and supportive of learning. It is the School Board’s position that a standards based grading system designed to accurately report student achievement of academic standards through providing consistency in grading practices across schools and classrooms, and aligning grading and reporting with standards based instruction and graduation requirements supports student learning and provides the most meaningful, accurate and consistent communication of a student’s progress.

II.    General Statement of Policy: Grading and Reporting Standards of Practice

A. Student academic grades will communicate academic achievement based on clearly defined academic performance standards.

B. Academic achievement will be separated from all other non-academic behaviors when teachers assign student grades.

C. Quality assessments and properly recorded evidence of achievement will be used when determining grades on student work.

D. Term grades will be determined in a manner that accurately represents students’ attainment of the standards and promotes student learning.

E. Teachers will involve students in the assessment and grading process throughout the learning cycle in an age-appropriate manner.

III.    Areas of Responsibility 

The ISD 279 School Board establishes and creates an environment to ensure all students the opportunity to attain maximum potential through a sound organizational framework. The School Board recognizes and values parents and/or guardians and students as partners in supporting successful student learning.

A.    The Superintendent will provide leadership and manage operations of the school district in order to implement and evaluate the Grading and Reporting Policy. The Superintendent will oversee the development and implementation of procedures and practices for grading and reporting student progress and achievement in Osseo Area Schools.

B.    Site Leaders are responsible for ensuring implementation of the Grading and Reporting Standards of Practice within the programs and buildings they manage.

C.    Teachers are responsible for effectively implementing classroom assessments and applying the Grading and Reporting Standards of Practice.

D.    The school district allows for the use of weighted grades for classes that involve a more rigorous curriculum and course of study. Such classes may include: Advanced Placement classes (AP); International Baccalaureate classes (IB) and selected Autonomous Learner Program (ALP) classes.  District high schools will specifically designate in registration handbooks (available online) all classes which afford weighted grading due to academic rigor.  

Revised: 9/20/2016
Adopted: 1/24/2012

Legal References
M.S. 123B.02, subd. 2 – General Powers of Independent School Districts
M.S. 123B.09, subd. 8 – Boards of Independent School Districts