602 Policy: School Calendar
I. The District requires a minimum scheduled calendar of 172 student contact days each school year. More than 172 student contact days may be scheduled in the calendar for any given year.
II. If there is an emergency school closing, a decision may be made to make up the day. If emergency school closings drop the number of student contact days below 170, days must be made up to return to 170 student contact days.
III. Conflicts
A. The school calendar should be drawn up so as to minimize conflict with the religious holidays, Sabbaths, and holy days of all faiths.
B. Where conflicts are unavoidable, care should be taken to avoid tests, special projects, introduction of new concepts and other activities which would be difficult to make up. Conversely, the students who remain in school should continue to heave meaningful learning experiences.
Adopted: 5/15/01 (formerly Policy 6210)
Adopted: 1/21/97