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558 Policy: Enrollment Options Program

558 Policy: Enrollment Options Program


The school district values school choice and participates in the enrollment options established in this policy.


In order to provide school choice, all students are eligible to attend a school other than their assigned school, provided they are not dependent on district transportation; capacity is available at the school of choice; the times are followed; and application materials are accurate and complete.


A.    Resident and Non-Resident Students may enroll in school district schools under the Enrollment Options Program, through School Board approval to enroll in a nonresident district, a graduation incentives program or as an online learning student.

B.    Students will be enrolled following successful completion of the application process outlined in the procedures accompanying this policy.

C.    Students will remain enrolled as long as they continue to meet the criteria for continued enrollment set out in the procedures accompanying this policy.

D.    A student who has been enrolled in the school district who is identified as homeless and whose parent or legal guardian moves to another district, or who is placed in foster care in another school district may continue to enroll in Independent School District No. 279 schools.    

Revised: 4/19/16
Revised: 12/20/05    
Adopted: 9/2/03

Legal References   
Minn. Stat. § 124D.03 Enrollment Options Program
Minn. Stat. § 124D.08 School Boards Approval to Enroll in Nonresident District
Minn. Stat. § 124D.68 High School Graduation Incentives Program
Minn. Stat. § 260A Truancy Programs
Minn. Stat. § 260C.007 Subd. 19 Habitual Truant
O P: Atty Gen 180g, Dec. 27, 1928 Definition of Residence for School Attendance
Cross Reference
Policy 725 - Establishing School Attendance Boundaries