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549 Policy: Age of Entrance

549 Policy: Age of Entrance


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to school district staff and parents/guardians for early entrance to kindergarten or first grade in the school district.  


The school district chooses to provide opportunities for children who have not reached the age of five years by September 1 in any year to be considered for early entrance into kindergarten and the age of six years by September 1 in any year to be considered for first grade under procedures designed to assure success in school.


A.    The school district will consider early admission to school as a kindergarten student if that child becomes five years of age on September 2 through November 1 of the school year for which admission is requested and successfully completes an assessment process. 

1.    Early admission procedures will guide the final recommendation for acceptance of the child. The cost of the assessment for early entrance is the responsibility of the parent/guardian unless such an expense is determined to be a significant hardship.

2.    A kindergarten child moving into the school district during the school year from another school district that does not have identical entrance requirements, may be allowed to continue his/her education in this school district.

B.    The school district will consider early admission to school as a first grade student if the child has completed a full year of kindergarten.


If a child is entering kindergarten or first grade, his/her parent/guardian is required to provide proof of his/her age through one of the following documents: an original or copy of the student’s legal birth certificate, an original valid passport, an original verified baptismal certificate, or the original affidavit of a natural parent or guardian.


The school district will publish enrollment information through print and/or electronic media. 

Revised: 4/18/17
Revised: 3/17/15
Revised: 5/6/08
Revised: 4/16/02
Adopted: 10/16/01 (formerly Policy 533 – 12/7/99)
(formerly Policy 5112)
Revised: 1/20/98
Revised: 5/17/94
Revised: 4/20/93
Revised: 7/16/85
Adopted: 4/3/76

Legal References
M.S. 120A.20, Subd. 1 – Admission to Public School