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543 Policy: Use of Restrictive Procedures as Behavioral Interventions for Children with Disabilities Receiving Special Education Services

543 Policy: Use of Restrictive Procedures as Behavioral Interventions for Children with Disabilities Receiving Special Education Services
  1. Purpose
    The School Board recognizes that in order to achieve its mission, a safe and healthy learning environment is essential. The District promotes positive behavioral interventions, but recognizes that in some emergency situations involving students with disabilities receiving special education services, it may be necessary to physically restrain a student in order to protect the student or others.
  2. General Statement
    Restrictive procedures as behavioral interventions with children with disabilities receiving special education services will be used only in emergency situations and in accordance with applicable provisions of Minnesota Laws. 
  3. The superintendent will provide training on the use of restrictive procedures for behavioral interventions. 

Revised: 11/21/23
Revised: 10/25/22
Revised: 1/19/16
Revised: 1/24/12
Revised:  9/21/04
Adopted:  4/17/01 (formerly Policy 5410)
Adopted:  1/4/94

Legal References
Minn. Rule 3525.0200, subps 1d-1g, 2a, 2c, 8e, 8f, 25a, 25b
Minn. Rule 3525.1100, subp. 2F
Minn. Rule 3525.2900, subp. 5