520 Procedure: Student Surveys
A. Confidential Data means data about a person that is accessible only to representatives of the school district who have a need to know the information in order to do their jobs. Confidential data is not available to the data subject.
B. Parent or Parents means a parent or guardian of a student or a person acting as a parent or guardian of a student in the absence of the student’s parent or guardian.
C. Survey means the annual stakeholder survey conducted by the school district in order to provide information about each student’s success in achieving dreams, contributing to community and engaging in a lifetime of learning.
A. The school district acting through its Research, Assessment and Accountability Department (RAA) will notify parents each year in the fall about the survey and the opportunity they have to opt their student out.
B. The notice will include a link to an opt-out form.
C. Parents may submit the opt-out form to RAA through mail or email. If the opt-out form is submitted prior to the deadline in the Notice, the student will be included in the list of students who have opted out of the Student Survey.
D. RAA will provide each school survey coordinator and principal with the list of students who have opted out and will be excluded from the Student Survey at their site.
E. The school district will not impose an academic or other penalty against a student who opts out of participating in a student survey under this policy.
Created: 07/31/18
Legal References
20 U.S.C. § 1232h (Protection of Pupil Rights)
Minn. Stat. § 121A.065 (District Surveys to Collect Student Information Parent Notice and Opportunities for Opting Out)
Cross References
Policy 104 School District Mission
Policy 515 Protection and Privacy of Student Records