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519 Policy: Interviews of Students by Outside Agencies

519 Policy: Interviews of Students by Outside Agencies

I.    Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to maintain the primary purpose of the school district of providing an education for its students and protecting the students’ interest in receiving an education while cooperating with law enforcement agencies or other agencies that require access to students during the school day in order to fulfill their legal obligations.

II.    General Statement of Policy

A.    Only a student’s parent/guardian, school district employees, and/or school district agents conducting school related business may interview a student during the school day, except as required by law or allowed by this policy. 

B.    A principal or school site leader may allow law enforcement officers and those other than a student’s parent/guardian, school district employees, and/or school district agents conducting school related business to request an interview of a student in the following situations.   

1.    Access for Interview Required
The principal or site leader will schedule interviews required for investigations of maltreatment reports in accordance with the procedures implementing this policy.  

2.    Discretionary Interview 
For all other requests for interviews, the principal or site leader will limit access to the student during school hours to instances where other opportunities for the interview are not reasonably available and the reason for the request is in the student’s best interests or in the event of an emergency. The principal or site leader will not grant a discretionary interview with a student without making a reasonable attempt to contact the student’s parent/guardian to inform the parent/guardian of the request.

Revised: 9/27/22
Revised: 1/19/16
Adopted: 1/21/03    

Legal References
M.S. 626.556
Cross References
Policy 414 – Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Children or Vulnerable Adults