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516 Policy: Student Medication

516 Policy: Student Medication

The purpose of this policy and accompanying procedures is to set forth the provisions that must be followed when administering, managing and overseeing student use of prescription and over-the-counter medications at school.


A. Parents/guardians have the primary responsibility for the maintenance of their child's health.  However, the school may assist in the identification of health problems affecting a child's education and provide for the administration of prescribed and over-the-counter drugs or medicine.

B. Students will not be allowed to carry and/or self-administer medications at school unless an exception stated in the procedures to this policy expressly allows the student to do so.

C. Student medications must be managed, administered, and overseen in manner that safeguards against misuse or mismanagement, and must comply with procedures that accompany this policy.

D. School personnel will dispense only those prescription and over-the-counter drugs or medicine which have been prescribed by a legally authorized health professional and will do so in accordance with procedures that accompany this policy.  The District and school personnel will not be liable should adverse reactions result from the drugs or medicine.


Revised:  9/27/22
Revised:  5/20/03
Revised:  10/16/01
Adopted:  10/6/98 (formerly Policy 5416)
Adopted:  4/2/91

Legal References
M.S. 151.01, Subd. 5-6 - Pharmacy; Definition
M.S. 121A.22 - Administration of Drugs and Medicine
M.S. 121A.21 – School Health Services

Cross References
Policy 541 – Chemical Use and Abuse
Policy 506 – Student Discipline