511 Procedure: Student Fundraising
I. Definitions
Some terms used in these procedures are defined more fully in the procedures for Policy 510 Student Activities.
A. “Class sponsored activities” are fundraising activities such as charitable giving campaigns, sponsored by a class or school department that has been approved in accordance with these procedures. Class sponsored activities do not raise funds for students. Class sponsored activities should be done in conjunction with a recognized charitable organization.
B. “Co-curricular activities” are activities sponsored by the school district and approved by the school district.
C. “Extracurricular activities” are activities sponsored by student clubs or groups and approved by the school district.
D. “Non-sponsored activities” are student activities that are not school district sponsored activities.
E. “Non-school organization” means any organization that is not under the management or control of the school. Such organizations include, but are not limited to, Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs), Booster Clubs, and Senior Class Party.
F. “School sponsored activities” are co-curricular, extra-curricular or class sponsored activities.
II. Requesting Fundraising Activities
A. Forms requesting a fund raising activity will be available in the office of the Department of Leadership Teaching and Learning (DLTL) Assistant Superintendent or designee.
1. Any school employee who sponsors a fund raising activity will submit an online facility use request at https://osseo.thatscommunityed.com.
2. School and district sponsored fundraisers are a Priority II as indicated in Procedure 902 – Use of District Facilities and Equipment. Staffing fees for building supervision and custodial overtime will be applied to the facility use request and charged to the permit holder.
3. When submitting the facility request, write “FUNDRAISER” in the title of the event.
4. In the notes section of the facility use request, write “approved by _________.” Add the name of the administrator who has approved the fundraiser event.
B. Any teacher or other school district employee who wishes to propose a school sponsored student fundraising activity must complete the following steps prior to commencement of the project:
1. Student fundraising for co-curricular and extracurricular activities:
a. The sponsoring employee or department will complete Request for Fundraising Activity – Co-curricular or Extracurricular Activity (Appendix A) and submit the request to the school principal or site administrator.
b. Subject to paragraph c below, the school principal or site administrator will approve the request if the co-curricular or extracurricular fundraising activity meets the following requirements:
(i) The proposed fundraising activity is consistent with the school district mission and core values
(ii) Participation in the fundraising activity will not result in additional expense to the school district
(iii) The fundraising activity will be conducted in a manner that minimizes interference with the regular functioning of the school and school activities
(iv) Any organization designated to receive proceeds of the activity has a current tax-exempt status
(v) The activity is age appropriate for the involved students
c. The principal or site administrator may limit the number, location, length, and time of year of fundraising activities. Limitations will be based on legitimate, school-related concerns.
d. The school principal or site administrator will forward the request to the appropriate Assistant Superintendent for review and final approval.
2. Student fundraising for Class Sponsored Activity
a. The sponsoring employee or department will Complete Request for Fund Raising Activity—Class Sponsored Activity (Appendix A) and submit the request to the school principal.
b. Subject to paragraph c. below, the school principal or site administrator will approve the Request if the Class Sponsored Activity meets the following requirements:
(i) The proposed fundraising activity is consistent with the school district mission and core values
(ii) Participation in the fundraising activity will not result in additional expense to the school district
(iii) The fundraising activity will be conducted in a manner that minimizes interference with the regular functioning of the school and school activities
(iv) Any organization designated to receive proceeds of the activity has a current tax-exempt status
(v) The activity is age appropriate for the involved students
c. The principal or site administrator may limit the number, location and length of fundraising activities. Limitations will be based on legitimate, school-related concerns.
III. Scheduling of Fundraising Activities
A. All fundraising activities will generally be scheduled outside of the regular school day.
B. The building Principal or site administrator, and the Assistant Superintendent or designee, are responsible for scheduling fundraising activities so that there is a minimum number of conflicts.
IV. Principals or site administrators will be able to provide the following information to the DLTL Assistant Superintendent or designee:
A. Number of fund raising activities at the site
B. Number of dollars raised through fund raising
C. Sponsoring organization of fund raising
D. A categorization of types of fund raising
E. Evaluation of fundraising activities on a scale to be determined by the DLTL Assistant Superintendent
V. Accounting Procedures for Fundraising Activities
A. Funds raised by student groups will be accounted for as follows:
1. Fundraising activities for co-curricular organizations will be accounted for in the general fund and in accordance with procedures outlined in the Administrative Accounting and Procedure Manuals.
2. Fundraising activities for extra-curricular organizations will be accounted for in the student activities fund and in accordance with "Manual of Instructions for Uniform Student Activities Accounting for Minnesota School Districts".
3. The school district is responsible for all funds generated for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and accountability for the funds rests with the Superintendent. Accounting procedures for school-sponsored fundraising will be guided by UFARS (Uniform Financial Accounting and Reporting Standards) and reported within the centralized accounting system through the Business Services Office.
4. Class sponsored activities by student organizations, clubs, classes, departments, or associations within the student body, under the guidance of staff members for educational, recreational, or cultural purposes, meeting the definition of a student activity as defined by the Manual on Activity Fund Accounting (MAFA), are responsible for the funds they generate. Accounting procedures for these funds will be guided by MAFA and reported within the centralized accounting system to the Business Services Office. Site activity fund summary reports will be available in the Business Services Office.
5. The Business Services Office in consultation with the school sites will establish internal controls for the management of the fundraising accounts to ensure accurate record-keeping and accountability for funds received.
6. The Business Services Office will make semi-annual reports to the School Board under the Consent Agenda.
B. Extracurricular student groups donating funds that are to be used for curricular or co-curricular purposes must transfer the funds from the student organization to the school district. The school board will follow its usual procedure for acceptance of gifts through action by the School Board.
VI. Responsibility
A. Teachers, Student Activity Advisors and Coaches are responsible for following the appropriate financial accounting requirements for funds raised through class sponsored co-curricular or extra-curricular activities. The sponsoring employee is responsible for obtaining permission, instructing students regarding fundraising activity conduct, and reporting the results of the activity to the principal or site administrator.
B. The principal or site administrator may review fundraising requests with the school site council for input on the number of fundraisers to be conducted throughout the school year.
C. The principal or site administrator will report all fundraising activities to the appropriate Assistant Superintendent as directed by the appropriate Assistant Superintendent.
VII. Liability
Schools will not take action that would lead others to believe that the school is in charge of or has responsibility for a non-school organization.
A. School employees will not direct or manage a non-school fundraising organization for their own school, but may provide advice. A principal or site administrator may allow use of the school name, mascot and/or logo with appropriate restrictions consistent with this policy and procedures.
B. Schools will require non-school fundraising organizations to agree to abide by the parameters set in this policy, including the following:
1. Non-school fundraising organizations are not authorized to act as an agent or represent themselves as an agent of the school or school district, and
2. Non-school organizations may not use school or school district letterhead to carry out their business.
3. Websites operated or maintained by non-school organizations should not give the impression that the fundraising website is an official school website.
VIII. Donations
A. Donations to a school or the school district should go through district-approved procedures.
B. Employees applying for donations for school related activities will inform their principal or site administrator prior to commencing the application process.
C. The conflict of interest provisions in the school district Administrative Procedures Manual and Policy 421 apply to any donations made to the school district or school district employees.
Appendix A: Request for Fundraising Activity
Appendix B: District-sponsored Fundraiser Request
Revised: 1/24/17
Revised: 3/15/16
Revised: 4/17/01
Created: 12/7/99 (formerly Procedure 5312)
Revised: 11/15/83
Created: 3/23/78
Policy 542 - Extended Educational Trips
Policy 510 – School Activities