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511 Policy: Student Fundraising

511 Policy: Student Fundraising

I.    Purpose

The purpose of this policy it to address fundraising by students for school district sponsored and student sponsored activities. 

II.    General Statement of Policy

The School Board recognizes that generating additional revenue in support of school district programs can enhance educational services for students. The School Board also recognizes a need for some constraint to prevent fundraising activities from becoming too numerous and overly demanding on employees, students, and the general public. Fundraising activities must be compatible with the best interests of students, staff, and community and not detract from curricular activities. 

III.    Fundraising

A.    Student groups may raise funds to support an educational activity. All school district sponsored fundraising activities and projects should contribute to the educational experience of the students enrolled in school. These activities and projects should never be in conflict with the instructional program. Participation in fundraising activities must be voluntary. No student will be denied the opportunity to participate fully in any student activity because the student or the student’s family did not participate in student fundraising. 

B.    Approval of Fundraising Activities

1.    The School Board will approve school sponsored fundraising activities, including activities in support of co-curricular and extracurricular activities in accordance with the Procedures 511.

2.    The principal or site administrator will approve fundraising activities for class sponsored activities and will inform the Assistant Superintendent or designee in advance of the event.

C.    Method of Fundraising Activities

1.    Fundraising activities will be on a voluntary consumer and student participation basis.

2.    Student groups should avoid sales activities where the consumer feels compelled to purchase or the student feels compelled to sell the product or services.

3.    Door-to-door fund raising activities will be of a limited nature.

4.    Fund raising activities during the school day will be limited in number and will not conflict with regulations relating to food service programs, as prescribed by the State.

5.    The school district expects all students who participate in approved fundraising activities to represent the school, the student organization, and the community in a responsible manner.  All rules pertaining to student conduct and student discipline extend to student fundraising activities. 

6.    The school district expects all employees who plan, supervise, coordinate, or participate in student fundraising activities to act in the best interests of the students and to represent the school, the student organization, and the community in a responsible manner. 

IV.    Charitable Giving Campaigns Conducted by School District Staff

A.    Teachers or staff members must obtain the Principal’s or site leader’s approval prior to conducting a charitable giving campaign that solicits contributions from students.

B.    Such charitable giving campaigns should generally be limited to non-monetary contributions, such as food, toys, or clothing.

C.    The principal or site leader must notify parents of the charitable giving campaign prior to any solicitation of contributions from students.

Revised:  3/15/16 
Revised:  4/17/01
Adopted:  12/7/99 (formerly Policy 5312)
Adopted:  3/23/78

Cross References
Policy 542 - Extended Educational Trips
Policy 510 – School Activities
Policy 902 - Facilities