510 Procedure: School Activities
I. A student activity will be identified as co-curricular, extracurricular, or non-sponsored at the time the activity is established.
II. Definitions
A. Co-curricular Activities
1. Co-curricular activities are activities sponsored by the school district and approved by the School Board.
2. Co-curricular activities are designed to provide opportunities for students to participate, on an individual or group basis, in school and public events for the improvement of skills.
3. Co-curricular activities are not offered for school credit toward graduation.
4. Co-curricular activities have one or more of the following characteristics:
a. They are conducted at regular and uniform times during school hours, or at other times established by school administration.
b. Although not offered for credit, they are directed or supervised by instructional staff in a learning environment similar to that found in courses offered for credit.
c. They are partially funded by public monies for general instructional purposes under the direction and control of the School Board.
5. Co-curricular activities include:
a. Student activities under the direction and regulation of the Minnesota State High School League, including athletics, speech, drama, and music contests, and
b. Student activities which include the sale of admission tickets to the general public and/or which are integrated into the curriculum (e.g., annual musical, three-act play).
B. Extracurricular Activities
1. Extracurricular activities are activities sponsored by student clubs or groups and approved by the school district.
2. Extracurricular activities are direct and personal services for public school students for their enjoyment that are managed and operated under the guidance of an adult or staff member.
3. Extracurricular activities have all of the following characteristics:
a. They are not offered for school credit nor required for graduation.
b. They are generally conducted outside school hours or if partly during school hours, at times agreed by the participants and approved by school administration.
c. The content of the activities is determined primarily by the student participants under the guidance of a staff member or other adult.
C. Non-Sponsored Activities
Non-sponsored activities are student activities that are not school district sponsored activities. These activities have the following characteristics:
1. Non-sponsored activities are not for credit nor required for graduation,
2. They are conducted outside of instructional time, but may occur on school district premises, and
3. The activities are determined by the student leaders. School district staff members may be present in a non-leadership capacity.
III. Fundraising and Accounting Requirements
A. Co-Curricular Activities
The school district will take charge of and control all co-curricular school activities. These activities are subject to the following criteria:
1. All monies received from co-curricular activities will be deposited in the school district general fund.
2. Upon presentation of properly allowed itemized claims, the School Board will authorize disbursement of the monies for expenses and salaries connected with the activities.
3. All revenues and expenditures related to curricular and co-curricular activities in accordance with the Uniform Financial Accounting and Reporting Standards (UFARS) and school district policies and procedures.
4. The School Board must authorize a co-curricular activity in order for a teacher or student to participate in the co-curricular activity.
5. The consent of the School Board is required for the school name or any alias to be used.
B. Extra-Curricular Activities
1. The school district will take charge of and control all extracurricular activities. These activities are subject to the following financial criteria:
a. These activities will be self-sustaining, with the exceptions set out below.
b. All expenses, except direct supervisory salary costs and indirect costs of the use of school facilities, will be paid from dues, admissions or other student fund-raising events.
c. Only those salaries directly related to and readily identified with the activity will be paid from the general fund.
d. Other revenue and expenditures for extracurricular activities will be recorded in accordance with UFARS.
e. All monies received from extracurricular activities will be deposited in the school district general fund.
f. The School Board will authorize disbursement of the monies for expenses and salaries connected with the activities upon presentation of properly allowed itemized claims.
g. Teachers and students may use the school or school district logo only for school district sponsored activities.
IV. Student Activity Funds
A. Student activity funds are used to account for dollars raised by the students for the students.
B. Authorization
1. Student activity funds are used for student activity purposes and for those students currently in school in a manner which meets a public purpose.
2. There is an adult of record who is primarily responsible for the management of the fund.
3. Student activity funds are managed in accordance with sound business practice and all transactions are open to inspection.
4. The size of an account is limited to a reasonable amount.
5. Other revenue and expenditures for student activities will be recorded in accordance with UFARS.
6. Individual activity accounts within Student Activity funds are audited annually.
V. The school district will provide the opportunity for students to purchase student accident insurance.
A. Enrollment materials will be made available to students in each building for student accident insurance.
B. The student will pay premiums or other charges directly to the insurance company.
C. The filing of claims and payment of benefits and/or claims will be the sole obligation of the insurance company and the individual.
D. The school district or its employees will not become involved in the collecting of insurance fees, filing claims, or payment of benefits.
Appendix A: Student-Led and District-Sponsored Groups
Revised: 11/19/19
Revised: 4/19/16
Created: 5/15/01 (formerly Procedure 5310)
Created: 3/28/78
Legal References
M.S. 123B.49
Cross References
Policy 511 – Student Fundraising