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507 Policy: Corporal Punishment and Prone Restraint

507 Policy: Corporal Punishment and Prone Restraint


The purpose of this policy is to describe the limitations on the use of corporal punishment and prone restraint upon a student.      


All school district employees or agents are prohibited from inflicting corporal punishment, causing corporal punishment to be inflicted upon a student, or using prone restraint upon a student.


Reasonable force may be used upon or toward the person of a student without the student’s consent when it is necessary under the circumstances to restrain a student to prevent bodily harm or death to the student or another, and for principals and teachers to prevent the imminent bodily harm or death to the student or another.


Any school district employee or agent who employs or observes employed corporal punishment or physical restraint upon a student will report the incident in accordance with Procedures 507 – Corporal Punishment.

Revised:  11/21/23
Revised: 6/13/17    
Revised:  10/21/14
Adopted:  12/7/99 (formerly Policy 4139.1 & 4239.1)
Adopted:   2/20/90

Legal References
M.S. 121A.58
M.S. 121A.582
M.S. 123B.25
M.S. 609.06, Subd. 1(6), (7)

Cross References
Policy 414 – Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Children and Vulnerable Adults