505 Policy: Student Cell Phone and Technology
The purpose of this policy is to establish standards for students in the appropriate use of personal electronic devices at school and during school related activities.
A. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that respects the rights of others. Use of a personal electronic device (including cell phones, computers, cameras, recording devices, listening devices and any other device that can be used to transmit or capture images, sound or data) in a manner that interferes with a positive, orderly, educational environment or does not respect the rights of others is prohibited.
B. Students bring personal electronic devices to school at their own risk. The District assumes no liability for loss, theft, damage, nor liability for any unauthorized use of an electronic device. If a device is confiscated under this policy, no responsibility for the safety or security of the device is guaranteed.
C. Student personal electronic devices are subject to search upon reasonable suspicion that the device has been used in a manner that violates the law or school policy. Any search of a student’s personal electronic device must be conducted at the direction of the building administrator and must be narrowly tailored to respect a student’s privacy.
D. This policy applies to student conduct occurring on school property, during school related activities, or for student conduct which creates a substantial disruption to the educational environment.
A. Students are prohibited from using personal technology under the following circumstances:
- Using a personal electronic device to photograph, video record/capture images, audio record/capture, listen-in on, track, or engage in surveillance of any student or staff person: (a) without their knowledge or consent; and (b) in a manner that is harmful to another or an invasion of privacy. This provision would not apply to pictures, video or audio recording of persons present at school sponsored events open to the public when the student is otherwise complying with school board policy.
- Using a personal electronic device in locker rooms, restrooms, rooms designated for changing clothing or in other areas where there is an increased expectation of privacy.
- Using a personal electronic device to engage in academic dishonesty, including cheating, intentionally plagiarizing, wrongfully giving or receiving help during an academic examination, or wrongfully obtaining test copies or scores.
- Using a personal electronic device on school property or at a school sponsored activity to create, send, share, view, receive, or possess an indecent or obscene visual depiction of oneself or another person.
- Possessing a surreptitious surveillance device on school property or during a school sponsored activity without the expressed permission of building administration.
- Using a personal electronic device while operating a motor vehicle on school property.
B. Notwithstanding the prohibitions/limitations set forth in this policy, use of a personal electronic device may be permitted to the extent allowed or required by a student’s individualized education program (IEP), Section 504 Plan, Health Plan or if it is needed in an emergency that threatens the safety of students, staff, or other individuals.
C. Students permissibly using a personal electronic device while on school property must exhibit respect for the educational environment by:
- Following the classroom teacher or a building administrators’ instructions for use;
- Using the device in a manner that does not distract from the educational process or disturb other students;
- Using the device in a manner that respects the property and copyright rights of others;
- Using the device in a manner that does not interfere with the safe operation of school transportation, or the safety of students or driver.
Use of a personal electronic device in violation of this policy may result in temporary confiscation of the device; revocation of the privilege to possess the device on school property or at school sponsored activities; and/or disciplinary action, up to and including suspension; expulsion; and/or referral to law enforcement.
Revised: 5/24/22
Adopted: 11/19/19