503 Procedure: Attendance and Absences
503 Procedure: Attendance and Absences
I. The parent/guardian of a student is to notify the school of the absence and the reason for the absence by 10:00 a.m. of the day the student is absent.
II. If the school is not informed of the absence, school personnel will contact the parent/guardian.
III. Students who are absent from school or class, regardless of the reasons, are required to make up all assignments missed.
IV. The school will inform the parent/guardian if a student’s absenteeism becomes excessive and there is a danger of the student losing credit due to incomplete work.
Created: 5/20/03 (formerly Procedure 5111)
Revised: 2/20/96
Created: 7/21/76
Legal References
M.S. 120A.22, subd. 12 – School Attendance