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442 Policy: Travel

442 Policy: Travel

I.    Whenever possible, a District-owned vehicle will be used for in-district and out-of-district travel when that travel is a function of District employment. 

II.    When a personal car must be used for such travel, the licensed employee will be reimbursed at the specified rate.

III.    All in-district and out-of-district transportation using District-owned vehicles or personal car with reimbursement must be approved in advance.

IV.    In-district and out-of-district transportation of students for curricular or co-curricular activities must be in either District-owned vehicles or contracted-for vehicles.  Emergency, unscheduled transportation may be conducted in vehicles with a seating capacity of 10 or fewer people without meeting the requirements for a Type III vehicle. 
V.    The School Board will publish transportation standards in accordance with state requirements.

Policy 442 Adopted:  12/7/99  (formerly Policy 4133.1 & 4233)
Revised:  9/19/95
Policy 411.33.1 & 4233 Adopted:  2/19/85