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423 Policy: Employee-Student Relationships

423 Policy: Employee-Student Relationships


The School Board recognizes that in order for the District to achieve its mission, a safe and healthy learning environment and appropriate employee-student relationships are essential. The District is committed to providing an educational environment in which all students are treated with respect and dignity.  Every District employee is to provide students with appropriate guidance, understanding, and direction while maintaining a standard of professionalism and acting within accepted standards of conduct.


A.    School district employees should maintain professional relationships with their students in all their interactions with them whether on or off duty and on or off school district locations, including in the use of social media.

B.    At all times, teachers and other District employees will adhere to applicable standards of ethics and professional conduct as established by Minnesota law and will treat students with respect, courtesy, and consideration.

C.    Teachers and other District employees should act in a way that acknowledges and reflects their inherent positions of authority and influence over students. Teachers and other District employees should not intimidate, berate or shame students for sincerely held beliefs. 

D.    Teachers and other District employees will cooperate with any investigation concerning allegations of actions, conduct, or communications that if proven, would violate this policy. 

E.    The District recognizes that there are certain familial and other similar relationships that may provide exceptions.


A.    District employees must not engage in sexual relationships with students, regardless of the age of the student.

B.    District employees may not date students or have interaction or activity of a sexual nature with a student, regardless of the age of the student.

C.    District employees whose interactions with students through electronic communication violate Policy 423 are also in violation of Policy 441, Technology and Internet Acceptable Use By Staff.

D.    District employees must not commit or attempt to induce students or others to commit an illegal act or act of immoral conduct that may be harmful to others or bring discredit to the District.

E.    District employees must not supply alcohol or any illegal substance to a student, allow a student access to such substances or fail to take reasonable steps to prevent such access by a student.


A.    The District will promptly investigate allegations of violations of this policy.

B.    The District will take appropriate disciplinary action when it becomes aware of conduct or communication including communication through a public online social media site that adversely affects the workplace or violates applicable professional codes of ethics.

C.    The District will not indemnify District employees determined to be acting outside the scope of their duties including actions that violate this policy, or who are otherwise guilty of malfeasance, willful neglect of duty, or bad faith.

Revised:  4/17/2018
Adopted: 6/18/2013

Legal References
Minn. Stat. § 13.43, subd. 16
Minn. Stat. § 122A.20, subd. 2
Minn. Stat. § 122A.40, subds. 5(b), 13(b) 
Minn. Stat. § 626.556; Minn. Rules 3512.5200 (Code of Ethics for School Administrators)
Minn. Rules 8700.7500 (Code of Ethics for Minnesota Teachers)

Cross References
Policy 414: Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse
Policy 441: Technology and Internet Acceptable Use By Staff
Policy 707: Transportation of Students
Procedure 102: Equal Educational and Employment Opportunity