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403 Policy: Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of School District Employees

403 Policy: Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of School District Employees


The purpose of this policy is to achieve the effective operation of the school district’s programs through the cooperation of all employees under a system of policies and rules applied fairly and uniformly.


The school district’s disciplinary process is designed to utilize progressive steps, where appropriate, to produce positive corrective action.  The school district intends that progressive discipline will be administered in most cases; but the specific form of discipline chosen in a particular case and the decision to impose discipline is solely within the discretion of the school district acting within the parameters of any applicable collective bargaining agreement and relevant laws.


A.    Compliance with Policies, Laws and Standards

Employees will abide by any applicable state and federal laws, school district policies and applicable professional codes of ethics, including but not limited to the Minnesota Code of Ethics for School Administrators, the Code of Ethics for Minnesota Teachers, and Employee Standards of Conduct as specified in Procedures #403.

B.    Nepotism

1.    The school district will not knowingly assign an employee to a position in which that employee will be directly supervised by another employee who is:

a.    A member of his or her immediate family,

b.    An in-law, or

c.    A member of the employee’s household.

2.    In the event marriage or adoption or other change in status places an employee in conflict with this policy, the school district may delay transfer or other actions to achieve compliance until the completion of the school year or at a time deemed reasonable by the school district.   


A.    Forms of redirection/discipline may include:

1.    Oral/written warning;

2.    Written reprimand/notice of deficiency;

3.    Suspension without pay or demotion; and

4.    Dismissal, termination or discharge from employment. 

Revised:  11/27/18    
Updated: 3/19/14    
Adopted: 2/2/99 (formerly Policy 4118 & 4219.1)    
Adopted: 7/10/72

Legal References
Minn. Stat. § 122A.40 (Teachers – Employment; contracts; termination)
Minn. Stat. § 122A.41 (Teacher tenure)
Minn. Stat. § 122A.58 (Coaches)
Minn. Stat. § 122A.44 (Contracting with teachers)
Minn. Stat. § 123B.02, Subd. 14 (Employees; contracts for services)
Minn. Stat. § 123B.143 (Superintendent)
Minn. Stat. § 123B.147 (Principals)
Minn. Stat. § 197.46 et seq. (Veterans Preference Act)
Minn. R. 3512.5200 (Code of Ethics for School Administrators)
Minn. R. 8700.7500 (Code of Ethics for Minnesota Teachers)