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209 Policy: School Board Standards

209 Policy: School Board Standards

I.    The purpose of this policy is to assist the individual school board member in understanding his or her role as part of the ISD 279 School Board and in recognizing the contribution that each member must make to develop an effective and responsible school board.

II.    The ISD 279 School Board formulates goals, defines outcomes and sets the course for its schools with input and participation from the communities it serves.

A.    School Board members keep the school district focused on the educational welfare of all ISD 279 Osseo Area Schools’ students.

B.    School Board members consider both the present and future educational needs of the school district and communities it serves.

C.    School Board members support and further the school district’s mission and core values.

D.    School Board members will regularly review, update and communicate the school system’s mission and core values to the communities it serves.

E.    School Board members support long and short range plans to work toward achieving the mission and core values of the school system. 

III.    The ISD 279 School Board establishes and creates an environment to ensure all students the opportunity to attain maximum potential through a sound organizational framework.

A.    School Board members will regularly review its policies to assure that the policies reflect the current law, and the mission and core values of the school district.

B.    School Board members oversee district management by employing a superintendent and evaluating his or her performance in providing leadership, managing operations and performing duties assigned by law.

C.    The School Board adopts a budget that incorporates sound fiscal practices and allocates resources to best achieve its mission and core values.

D.    The School Board exercises its authority in employment matters after considering the superintendent’s recommendation.

E.    The School Board provides facilities for its students and staff that are safe and conducive to achieving its mission.

F.    The School Board encourages and supports working cooperatively with families, businesses, community organizations and other agencies.

IV.    The ISD 279 School Board regularly critically reviews student achievement, its staff resources and all conditions affecting education as part of its accountability to the communities it serves.

A.    The School Board regularly reviews key performance indicators for student and staff achievement.

B.    The School board provides ample opportunities for itself, the superintendent and all staff for professional growth and increased competency through training. 

C.    The School Board reviews indicators for student and staff progress toward the achievement of the system’s mission and goals.

D.    The School Board demonstrates fiscal responsibility.

E.    The School Board’s business transactions are ethical and open.

V.    The ISD 279 School Board serves as education’s key advocate on behalf of students and their schools in the communities it serves in order to advance its mission and core values.

A.    The School Board promotes the welfare of the school system and all children through the political process at the local, state and national level.

B.    The School Board recognizes the achievements of students, staff and others in education.

C.    The School Board takes leadership in securing community support for the school system’s mission and core values and for the resources needed to achieve them.

VI.    The ISD 279 School Board and individual school board members perform their duties in a manner that reflects service to the communities it serves on behalf of students by conducting school district business in a fair, respectful and responsible manner.

A.    The School Board and its members create an atmosphere of openness and respect by seeking input from students, staff and community members on specific issues when appropriate.

B.    The School Board, individual school board members and the superintendent work together in a climate of trust and mutual respect.

C.    The School Board and individual school board members redirect specific complaints and requests to the superintendent or other staff members as appropriate.

D.    The School Board members develop skills in teamwork, problem-solving and decision-making.

E.    The School Board members respect the majority decision after honoring the right of members to express opposing viewpoints and vote their convictions.

F.    The School Board and its members establish and follow laws and local policies, procedures and ethical standards governing the conduct and operation of the school board.

G.    School Board members attend meetings and come prepared to discuss agenda items.

H.    School Board members recognize that authority rests with the school board in legal session – not with the individual members of the school board except as authorized by law.

Adopted:  12/14/2010

Legal References
Minn. Stat. §. 123B.02 (General Powers of Independent School Districts)
Minn. Stat. §. 123B.09 (Boards of Independent School Districts)
Minn. Stat. §. 123B.143 (Superintendent)

Cross References
School Board Standards adopted January 12, 2010