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208 Policy: Development, Adoption and Implementation of Policies

208 Policy: Development, Adoption and Implementation of Policies

I.    Purpose of Policies

ISD 279 Policy Number 208 sets out the considerations and processes for adopting policies that govern school district matters. It establishes the authority of the school board to adopt, change or delete policies and the expectation that those governed will abide by the policies.

II.    General Statement

A.    Policy development is one of the chief functions of the School Board.

B.    Policies are defined as principles adopted by the School Board to chart a course of action. Policies serve as sources of information and guidance for all people who are interested in or connected with the District's schools.

C.    Policies should be broad enough to indicate a line of action to be followed by the District administration yet narrow enough to give clear guidance.

D.    Guided by policy, the District administration formulates procedures to provide specific direction to District personnel.

E.    The School Board will make every effort to ensure that its policies conform to state and federal constitutions, state and federal laws, state and federal rules and regulations, and requirements of all other regulatory agencies within our local, county, state, and federal levels of government

F.    The School Board welcomes recommendations for policy additions, changes, or deletions.

III.    Preliminary Development of Policies

While reserving unto itself the responsibility and authority to determine District policy, the School Board is earnest in its desire to seek out the judgment and counsel of citizens, students, and staff members in the development of policies before final adoption.

IV.    The School Board expects compliance with its formally-adopted policies.

V.    Administrative Action in Absence of Policy

A.    The Superintendent will have the power to act in cases where action must be taken in the absence of policy.

B.    The Superintendent’s decisions, however, will be subject to review by the School Board at its next regular meeting. The Superintendent is obligated to inform the School Board of such action and of the need of policy.

VI.    Emergency Action

In matters of unusual urgency, the School Board may waive the four-week limitation and take immediate action to adopt new or to revise existing policies.

Revised:  3/17/15
Adopted: 11/17/98 (formerly Policy 8310)
Adopted:  3/16/77