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Will the currently restricted in-district transfer and open enrolled schools remain the same after the new boundaries are implemented?

Yes, until a review is completed. That will happen by Jan. 15, 2027. 

Additionally, school board Procedure 558, Enrollment Options Program prohibits the district from offering in-district transfer to impacted schools during attendance boundary transition years. That means new in-district transfer requests won’t be allowed at district elementary and middle schools through the 2026-27 school years. Again, a review of school capacity will take place by the priority application deadline of Jan. 15, 2027. 

In-district transfer* restricted schools currently are: Fernbrook Elementary School, Brooklyn Middle STEAM School, Maple Grove Middle School, Osseo Middle School, Maple Grove Senior High School and Park Center Senior High School. Note: As BMS is a magnet school, students residing within the district can alternatively apply to BMS via Northwest Suburban Integration School District (NWSISD).

Open enrolled* restricted schools currently are: Fernbrook Elementary School, Maple Grove Middle School, Osseo Middle School and Maple Grove Senior High School. 


*In-district transfer provides current community members the opportunity to transfer their student(s) to a school other than their assigned school within the district. Whereas open enrollment allows students from outside our district boundaries to attend our schools. Open enrollment is a statewide offering and thus has specific requirements/processes.