What is the timeline for the attendance boundary change process?
The following is a tentative timeline that was discussed in a school board work session on Sept. 10, 2024.
- September 2024: Community opportunity to provide feedback on potential parameters.
- October-December 2024: Possible scenarios developed based on parameters.
- January 2025: Community opportunity to provide feedback on possible scenarios digitally and via informational meetings.
- February-April/May 2025: Community feedback reviewed. Adjustments considered. Additional feedback opportunities considered.
- April/May 2025: Final attendance boundaries announced.
- May 2025-August 2026: Schools prepare to welcome students.
- January 2026-August 2026: New attendance boundaries continue to be shared.
- September 2026: New attendance boundaries go into effect. Note: The only exception to this is Crest View Elementary School because of the repurposing going on there. These families can learn more at district279.org/repurposing.